if video fails to load, it may be from a blocker extention on your browser
(im going to try and fix this later e.g. full iframe sandboxing)
If so, you can view the eclipse ground timelapse here https://seed132.bitchute.com/oIbNYYJshCMq/RLTwQK0PUyES.mp4
I started and ended the timelapse when the sun was about three quarters covered
You can see totality start 0:14 and end 0:23
Something that doesnt come across so well in the video is how dark it got. The phone was readjusting exposure as it happened.
That was a lot of fun, still kind of sad that i dont have a great camera setup for this kind of thing.
Oh well thats all the time we have for today folks
BUYYEE ———->